
Author Archives: admin

Understanding Gyrokinesis and The Powerful Gyrotonic Movement System

The word Gyro means circular or turn and kinesis means movement or activity. The Gyrokinesis Method is usually well-practiced on a mat and chair, without any machine or equipment. Therefore, without the feedback and guidance of the right equipment, students in a Gyrokinesis session are more dependent on their understanding of the body movements. Gyrokinesis […]

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)

Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD

The wide-legged forward bend or Prasarita Padottanasana (Prah-sah-REET-ah- Pah-doh-tahn-AA-SUN-aa) is like an energised version of yoga. It helps in increasing blood circulation to the brain while stretching the legs, arms and back of a person. The name of this yoga asana comes from the Sanskrit language. Prasarita means outstretched, pada means foot, ut means intense, […]

Natarajasana Yoga, Its Meaning & Benefits


Natarajasana is done with a balance which helps in strengthening the legs. A full body stretch is involved in doing this asana which involves chest, shoulders, thigh, calves, knees and ankles, hips, abdomen and spine. Practicing this asana regularly helps in developing grace and concentration. Natarajasana is known for its stretching, balancing and aesthetic abilities. […]

Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose), Benefits, Meaning & Its Variations


Uttana Shishosana or the extended puppy pose is much easier and less complicated version of performing a forward twist that almost everyone should practice in their yoga session. Practicing this asana regularly is considered to be a great stress buster and calms the mind and the body. The name of this yoga asana is a […]