Natarajasana is done with a balance which helps in strengthening the legs. A full body stretch is involved in doing this asana which involves chest, shoulders, thigh, calves, knees and ankles, hips, abdomen and spine. Practicing this asana regularly helps in developing grace and concentration. Natarajasana is known for its stretching, balancing and aesthetic abilities. It is as well used in Indian classical ball forms. Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is the best way to learn and develop an authentic practice of Natarajasana.
The Natarajasana (nuh-tuh-rah-ja-sana) is a posture which is attained while standing and bending your back. The name of this asana comes from a combination of words derived from Sanskrit language. Nata means a dancer, raja means a king and asana means a posture. Nataraja is also one of the many names given to Lord Shiva when he takes the form of a cosmic dancer.

Steps to Get into Natarajasana Posture are:
- Stand straight in the mountain pose or Tadasana. Inhale deeply and then shift your body weight on the right foot. Then lift your left heel towards the left hip as you bend your knee. Now press the front of your right thigh bone backwards, deep inside the hip joint, and then pull the knee upwards to keep your standing leg strong and straight.
- Remember to keep your entire torso in a straight and an upright position. Take a hold of your left foot from the outside direction with your left hand. See to it that your lower back is straight and your pubis is well lifted towards your navel. While doing this, press your tailbone firmly on the floor.
- Now lift your left foot in the upward direction away from the floor and your back should be away from the torso. Now extend your right thigh behind you in a way that it is parallel to the floor. Your right arm needs to be stretched in the forward direction parallel to the floor.
- Hold on to this posture for another fifteen to thirty seconds. Then release very slowly and repeat the whole process with the other side
Some of the most amazing benefits of Natarajasana pose are:
- Practicing this yoga asana regularly helps in strengthening your chest, legs, ankles and hips directly. Although, almost the whole body gets stretched indirectly.
- This asana helps in increasing your metabolism and consequently in losing weight in an effective manner.
- This asana helps in better digestion of the food.
- It makes the spine stronger and powerful.
- It helps in gaining concentration power and a sense of grace in the body.
- It stretches and tones the muscles of the body.
- It ensures that calcium does not get deposited in the brain and shoulders.
- It helps in reducing stress and tension.
- It is extremely beneficial for the health of heart.
- All in all, it provides an excellent flexibility to the human body.

There are several precautions which need to be kept in mind before performing Natarajasana. It is recommended that you should join the yoga teacher training course to avoid such mistakes and execute under the guidance of the yoga teachers. Some of the things which need to be take care are as follows:
- Low blood pressure: People who have low blood pressure are not advisable to perform this asana
- It is best to learn and perform this pose under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher.
- Avoid extra stretching while doing this asana
Tip for beginners:
If you are a beginner then there are high chances of you getting a cramp in the back side of your thighs. Make sure that while you perform this asana, ankle is raised and completely flexed. To do this, you must make sure that the top of your foot stays near to the shin.
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