Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
Rishikesh Yoga Club offers the opportunity for students to Rishikesh and increase their training level and immerse themselves in their practice with this 100 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. This course focuses on the basics of the Ashtanga Yoga. This Ashtanga Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is best option for those who are limited for time, are focused primarily on strengthen their yoga practice in a professional manner.
The word “Ashtanga” is framed by two words – Ashta meaning eight and anga meaning parts or limbs. Ashtanga yoga has 8 components, thus the name. Ashtanga yoga was developed by the great sage Patanjali. Ashtanga yoga is a most comprehensive form of yoga which not only helps a person to build a strong body but also a strong character. Ashtanga has eight parts- namely Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyan, Samadhi.
Eight parts of Ashtanga yoga Teacher Training India
Yama is the first step of character formation. It works on the personal development of the person. Ashtanga yoga believes that without a strong character, patience and persistence, one cannot achieve anything in life. There are five qualities that should be developed to clear the stage of Yama. They are Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, and Aparigraha.
Niyama is the rule of conduct. With a rock solid foundation made by the observance of Yama, one is able to follow the rules of Niyam. The basic rules are Shauch, Santosh, Tapas, Swadhyaya, and Ishwar pranidhan.
Asana is the most popular and well-known part of Ashtanga yoga. It covers physical body postures. Asana is aimed to make the body healthy and develop stamina in a person. Prevention of diseases and delayed aging are added advantages of asanas.
Pranayam or the breathing exercises are another very popular form of Ashtanga yoga. Pranayam is aimed to achieve control over body and mind through controlled breathing.

Pratyahara means withdrawal of the mind from the senses. This is a higher mental stage of spiritual development when the person is no longer attached or attracted by the material temptations.
The person practically ready for Dharna only after a complete balance of mind is achieved through a thorough practice of the previous legs of Ashtanga yoga. Dharna can be explained as concentration or resolution to achieve a single objective. It is believed that the attraction of such resolution or focus is so strong that everything desired starts to flow towards the person who achieves Dharna. Such is the force required to reach the ultimate aim of human life.
Dhyan is the stage of meditation. Meditation is the way to drift slowly towards a higher consciousness.
The word Samadhi emerges from the word “samadhan” which means a solution or an answer. It is the final stage where the being merges with the divine and finds an end to the infinite cycle of birth and death.

100 Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC in Rishikesh India – Certification
Starting Date Course Name Fee
02 Jan - 14 Jan 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Jan - 27 Jan 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Feb - 14 Feb 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Feb - 27 Feb 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Mar - 14 Mar 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Mar - 27 Mar 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Apr - 14 Apr 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Apr - 27 Apr 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 May - 14 May 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 May - 27 May 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Jun - 14 Jun 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Jun - 27 Jun 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Jul - 14 Jul 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Jul - 27 Jul 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Aug - 14 Aug 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Aug - 27 Aug 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Sep - 14 Sep 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Sep - 27 Sep 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Oct - 14 Oct 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Oct - 27 Oct 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Nov - 14 Nov 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Nov - 27 Nov 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
02 Dec - 14 Dec 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799
15 Dec - 27 Dec 100 Hours Ashtanga Yoga TTC $ 799

Course Fee Includes
- Shared Accommodation/Hostel with attached bathroom
- Wifi Internet
- Farm to Table Organic Vegetarian Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
- Weekend Local sightseeing with outdoor activities
- 1 Ayurveda Massage Therapy.
- Airport Pick up from Dehradun (DED) Airport
- Yoga Course Fee & Yoga Material
- Welcome / Cleansing Kit
- Certification on completing course.

Benefits of Ashtanga yoga
Asana, a part of Ashtanga yoga, helps to relieve multiple health problems.
Pranayam has an excellent effect on cardiac and pulmonary problems. It is also very effective in terms of nervous and mental disorders.
By following the basic tenets of Yama and Niyama, the follower becomes light and gets permanent relief from all kinds of mental problems.
Ashtanga yoga helps a person to achieve beneficial qualities like concentration, clear thought process, and persistence.
Ashtanga Yoga helps a person to become a better human being, a better citizen and make real contributions to the society and humanity.


“One becomes firmly established in practice only after attending to it for a long time, without interruption and with an attitude of devotion.”
~ Yoga Sutra I.14″